500 Days Of Film And A New Movie Challenge

On the 4th of May 2015, I sat down where I am sitting today and made a list that would change my life. On that list were 400 movies. Most of these films had been released over the past five years (approximately 2010-2015) but some were older, beloved classics.
Why did I do this? Well, after months of feeling disconnected from cinema, I decided to take control of my movie viewing. No more scrolling endlessly through titles only to pick something unsatisfying. No more shuffling through DVDs until my eyes blurred over.
No. I wanted to get strategic with my film picks. Life was simply too short for bad movies and I knew that I was missing out on some real cinema gems. However, I also wanted to watch films from a broader range of genres. Not just horror and drama but world cinema, documentaries and independent films.
I was determined but still a little worried that my resolve might weaken, that I might fall back into old, rather chaotic film watching habits. As a result, I decided to set myself a challenge - I would watch 500 movies in 500 days.
To keep myself honest (and to remember what I had actually watched) I decided to blog about my film journey. I started with Paul Thomas Anderson’s Punch Drunk Love and finished by treating myself to the films of Steven Spielberg.
After my challenge ended, I wondered what to do next. I had enjoyed myself so much over the 500 days that I couldn’t imagine stopping. So I didn’t! I just kept on going… watching movies and writing reviews.
Documentary 7
I knew that I wanted to start another challenge one day. The question was, what would that challenge be? Months passed by… until an idea began to form. I had developed a real passion for and interest in documentary film. As a result, I decided that I would focus on this genre...
My new challenge is called Documentary 7.
My aim for Documentary 7 is to create an ever growing movie hub that contains documentary films based on a specific theme or genre. Each topic will contain behind the scenes information and reviews of seven key documentaries... as well many honourable mentions.
Fancy coming along on the ride? The film categories are listed below.
- Climbing
- Filmmaking
- True Crime
- Changing The World
- War
- The Environment
- Art
- Animals
- Field Of Vision Docs
- The Ocean
- Space
- Food
- Politics
- Mock Docs
- Music
- Immigration
- Short Docs - Oscar Winners
- Actors
- Journalism
- Sports
- Technology
- Tragedy
- Activism
- Intimate Tales
- Inspirational Women
- Love Stories
- Overcoming Medical Issues
- Scandals And Shocks
- 7 Films From 7 Great Documentary Filmmakers
- Discrimination
- Death
- Serial Killers
- Concert Documentaries
- Short Docs On Netflix
- Use Of Animation In Documentaries
- Comedy
- Religion
- Photography
- Journeys
- Fashion
- Oscar Winning Documentaries P1
- Oscar Winning Documentaries P2
- Oscar Winning Documentaries P3
- Crime And Punishment
- Danger
- Gender
- Documentary Series
- Short Docs (Part 3)
- Documentary Director's Favourite Docs
- My Favourite Docs
Once I have selected the seven documentary films, you will be able to click here to find a link to my documentary film reviews and discussion of each particular sub-genre.
Meanwhile, do let me know if you have a documentary film that you would recommend. You can email me: Jane@500DaysOfFilm.com or find me on Twitter @500DaysOfFilm. I am so excited about this new film challenge… wish me luck!