500 Days Of Film Reviews Superhero Action Film, Wonder Woman, Starring Gal Gadot and Chris Pine

Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana, princess of the Amazons (Gal Gadot), trained to be an unconquerable warrior. However, after American pilot Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) crashes on the shores of her sheltered island paradise, Diana learns of a massive conflict raging in the outside world.
Convinced that she can stop the threat, Diana leaves her home. Fighting in the war to end all wars, she discovers her full powers and her true destiny.
Is It Any Good?
Wonder Woman didn’t need to be good. It needed to be great. For Patty Jenkins’ film does not just represent the evolution of Diana Prince but it also embodies the potential for female led, female directed summer action blockbusters.
No pressure then.
I am delighted, therefore, to report that Wonder Woman is a thrilling, entertaining and immensely enjoyable ride. I defy you to watch this movie and not leave the cinema excited, energised and (perhaps) tempted to try some slo mo twisty kicky moves (technical term).
I also defy you not to feel relieved (particularly after previous DC disappointments) that this female led action movie not only exists but also kicks some serious butt - because it’s about darn time.
Gal Gadot is perfect for the role of Diana. She is utterly convincing as an electrifying Amazonian warrior and endearingly funny as a fish out of water. It is just so
satisfying to watch Diana defy all gender conventions. She needs the permission of no man to do what she believes to be right and her belief in the power of love is exactly what we all need right now.
Thankfully, Wonder Woman’s power is in no way undermined by a sexist, objectifying gaze. Diana is, of course, stunningly beautiful. However, Jenkins never lingers on this fact - far preferring to present her as an incredible (superhuman) athlete. She is just a joy to watch.

While Wonder Woman doesn’t exactly break new narrative ground (the plot feels rather like a blend of Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger with a hint of Superman) it never fails to engage. At the film’s heart, lies the budding romance between Diana and Steve Trevor. Here Gadot and Pine display charming on screen chemistry.
Meanwhile, Pine does a great job of driving Wonder Woman’s story forward - all the while expressing awe at Diana’s fighting skills and injecting a welcome level of (Kirk-like) deadpan humour into the film.
Together with a band of unlikely heroes (yay Spud!), they go to the front line of World War One where Diana witnesses the darkest moments of humanity (driven, she believes, by the influence of the god Ares).
This is, of course, a tricky period in history to employ in an action film (albeit one that has, of course, been used before). However, Jenkins treads carefully. The time frame gives the director scope to explore important issues of feminism, oppression and man’s inhumanity to man.
It is here in a number of explosive action sequences that Diana gets to unleash her full potential. And (despite a bit of CGI overreach) it is just awesome to behold. In the words of Steve Trevor - wow.
Random Observations
Have you seen Wonder Woman?
If you have, what do you think about Patty Jenkins’ movie? Let me know in the comments section below or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook!