500 Days Of Film Reviews Comedy, Mascots, Starring Parker Posey, Tom Bennett, Jane Lynch and Chris O'Dowd.

In this comic faux-documentary from director, Christopher Guest, eager contestants don gigantic heads and wear the fluffiest of suits to compete for the title of the World's Best Mascot.
Is It Any Good?
If I'm honest, I've never really given much thought to mascots or, indeed, mascotery. However, Christopher Guest's new film, Mascots, has given me a whole new insight into this noble profession.
For, when you think about it, there's something fascinating about the concept of
mascots. They are part of a team, but also not part of the team. They perform to crowds but, thanks to a mask or large foam head, remain largely unknown. What makes a person become a mascot?
This is exactly what Guest's movie sets out to explore. Via fictional 'to camera' interviews, the life behind the costume is revealed as a group of mascots prepare to compete at the World Mascot Awards.
However, this is no mock-doc. Mascots is hilarious but there is no room for cruelty here. Guest displays deep affection for his characters and we love them even as we laugh at their antics.
Mascots features some truly wonderful comic performances. Jane Lynch is brilliant as judge, Gabby Monkhouse, Parker Posey is superb as armadillo mascot, Cindi Babineaux, and Chris O'Dowd is hilarious as Tommy 'Zook' Zucarello. Special mention must also go to Christopher Moynihan's Phil Mayhew - his final performance is comedy gold.
However, just as he did in Love & Friendship, Tom Bennett steals the show as Owen Golly, Jnr. He is absolutely hilarious as Sid the hedgehog and also completely lovable.
It is so refreshing to watch a comedy without a nasty edge. By the end of Mascots, I cared about the characters and was surprisingly invested in the winner of the Gold
Fluffy Award.
I laughed all the way through Mascots. This film is wonderfully enjoyable fun.
Random Observations
Have you seen Mascots?
If you have, what did you think of this faux documentary? Do let me know - leave me a comment in the box below!