Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 500 Days Of Film

500 Days Of Film Reviews Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 And Finds An Emotional Conclusion To The Series

So, it all ends here.


Secrets are revealed (about which you may or may not have to consult Google to make sure you've understood).

Harry finally understands the true meaning of his past and the role that he must play in order to defeat Voldemort.

Meanwhile, beloved characters are asked to make the ultimate sacrifice in an epic battle of good versus Ralph Fiennes.

Is It Any Good?

So, the great thing about watching the DVD of the final two films in this, the most successful film franchise of all time, is that I don’t have to wait year between them. 

I have never been much for patience so, a night after I watched Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1, I popped the second disk into my machine and settled back to enjoy the end.

However, that is not to say that the wait for Part 2 to arrive at the cinema was all bad.  I remember well the building sense of anticipation. I remember how everyone was hoping that this film would form a satisfying end to a series that had meant so much. 

In the weeks leading up to the film’s premier I heard so many people talking about what this series (books, of course, included) had meant to them. Some people had literally grown up with these characters - it certainly felt like the end of an era.

So it is hardly surprising that almost every scene in this film feels loaded with more than just plot development. This is the final step that we will take in Harry, Ron and Hermione's journey.

The film feels as if it has been created by people who love the Harry Potter series just as much as we do. Every inventive scene is lovingly crafted.

I was quite shocked at how emotional I felt watching it all unfold. I was also shocked at the level of horror and loss in the film. Surely at the upper end of a 12 rating.

All in all, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 is a fitting end to wonderful series. Will we ever seen anything like it again? 

Random Observations

Helana Bonham Carter is excellent in her portrayal of Hermione under the influence of polyjuice potion.

Quite liking the bearded-look Ron adopts as they attempt to enter Gringotts Bank!

Alan Rickman is superb -  I was completely swept up in his grief.

Film Search


Jane Douglas-Jones
Jane Douglas-Jones

E: jane@500daysoffilm.com


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